Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reedit Blog: Slowly But Surely

The pandemic known as the coronavirus, or COVID-19, has altered our schedules completely; with much fewer people leaving their homes now, it feels as if our new schedule is just to stay home. For me, personally, I am not bothered by online learning as I've taken, and still am taking online courses; the only difference I see is a very great quarantine break until April 15th, which quite worries me.
At Fort Lauderdale High School, we allow students to challenge themselves by taking high-assessed academic courses that grant college credit. However, we only have approximately half a month or so to review the content in most challenging classes such as AICE. Reviews mainly happen during the school day or after school, even sometimes during the weekends when reviewing with a peer or a peer group. Although, I find it relatively hard to focus on my academics as I'm more concerned about the virus; trying to sustain my health as possible and also my family's health. With this in mind, less of my attention is drawn to what is happening academically rather than what is happening globally. 
I believe it's not just my attention drawn; daily, I see more articles written about COVID-19, how it affects people, how many people were already affected and etc. This pandemic, although much lower here in the United States, is still a humongous issue that needs to settle down before anyone can go back to their "normal routine." However, it seems hard to do so as many events people were looking to are now postponed or canceled altogether. As much can also be said about Hollywood's films and how they've postponed or stopped the process in total. This negatively influences the production process; if filming is postponed then it will obviously have to start at a later date which may conflict with dates the actors already had planned. This may delay the process even further as the conflicts have to be solved in order to continue the already postponed filming.
Relatively, the opposite concept is happening for me; as I only need to finish editing, and I'm content with the editing applications I have at my disposal, this quarantine session is helping me rather than hurting.

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